“The Cosmos” – New Book launched by the talented writer Shouvik Sarkar

Shouvik Sarkar is a talented writer. Since 2019, he has slowly etched a name for himself in the creative arena.

His first book –“365 Days of Survival” was an English short story book.

Shouvik believes that writing as a good tool to present your ideas to the public. So he started to write.

Professionally, he is a Software Developer and had his own software firm in 2019 for one year.

But he had keen interest in science and he performed researches that has helped him create his first scientific work that is published recently named “The Cosmos”.

  A brief outline about this book:-  “The Cosmos” is a scientific book about quantum physics and has lot of new science related stuff on the quantum physics.

Shouvik believes that the audience will like this book to read and for gaining new knowledge on science.

“The Cosmos” is a work that is mixed by statements from books of scientists like Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and others along with my own research in the field that led for writing of this book. This will be a good read for people with background in quantum physics or even any other person having interest in science.

To order copies of this book you can visit Amazon for printed copies while Google Books for online copies. The book is available at relatively low cost and is a good read for science enthusiasts.

Shouvik Sarkar truly believes this work of science will help many in pursuit of a good knowledge of science and quantum physics. He will be happy if any reader can make a contribution to science in future on the basis of this book.

“The Cosmos” written by Shouvik Sarkar

Publisher  – Lulu Press, Inc.
Pages – 113
Type – Paperback
Price – Rs. 1840




Printed (Amazon) –                                         https://www.amazon.com/dp/1716897300

Soft Copy (Google) – https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/The_Cosmos/2lPeEAAAQBAJ?hl=en   


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