Legal Aid Forum welcomes Netaji’s daughter Anita Basu Pfaff in Germany

Legal Aid Forum welcomes Netaji’s daughter Anita Basu Pfaff in Germany

Last Monday evening Netaji’s daughter Anita Basu Paff was conferred ‘Bharat Gaurab Samman’ in Auschberg, Germany. In addition to this, the ‘All India Legal Aid Forum’ authorities gave various gifts including Bengal sarees. Netaji’s daughter was overwhelmed by this honor. He was associated with teaching for a long time. He said that he was eternally grateful for the welcome he received from distant India and his motherland West Bengal in Germany. General Secretary of ‘All India Legal Aid Forum’ and Supreme Court lawyer Jaideep Mukherjee said – “We are proud to honor Netaji’s daughter, who is a patriot to the whole of India and to every Bengali”. It is known that from the end of June to the beginning of this July, books related to Netaji were handed over to the Indian embassies of 8 countries by this organization. In 1942, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose left the country in a submarine leaving four-week-old Anita Bose Puff in Germany. It is known that since the time of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Netaji’s family living in Germany was given honorary allowance and honored as national guests when they came to this country. It may be noted that Netaji researcher Jaideep Mukherjee was recently awarded ‘Kumud Sahitya Ratna’ at the Kumud Sahitya Mela on the occasion of the birthday of Pallikbi Kumudaranjan Mallick at Kogram in East Burdwan district.

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