FPA India Kolkata Chapter organizes discussion on Humanitarian Crisis

FPA India Kolkata Chapter organizes discussion on Humanitarian Crisis

Today, FPA India Kolkata Branch under the leadership of Shri Supratip Majumder and Dr. Tinni Dutta organized an important discussion on humanitarian crisis at the Press Club, Kolkata.

About FPA India–
As a renowned social impact organization, FPA India has been providing essential health services focusing on sexual and reproductive health across 18 Indian states since 1949. In partnership with governments, NGOs and international funding agencies, FPA India impacts 30 million lives annually.
Responding to humanitarian crises
In 2022, FPA India Kolkata responded to Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan, providing health camps and hygiene kits to women in need. This effort was supported by SPRINT IV and the International Planned Parenthood Federation Humanitarian Center.
Understanding humanitarian crises
A humanitarian crisis threatens the health, safety or well-being of communities, often caused by natural disasters, conflicts or complex emergencies. Each crisis requires a unique response, and disaster preparedness is critical to preventing and recovering from these events.
Impact on at-risk populations
Humanitarian crises disproportionately affect women and children, limiting their access to basic health needs, including sexual and reproductive health.

Objectives of the SPRINT IV project
The objectives of the SPRINT IV project are to:
1. Provide life-saving sexual and reproductive health support in emergency situations.
2. Improve health outcomes by reducing preventable morbidity and mortality.
3. Build capacity of FPAI staff to deliver required services.
4. Advocate for integrating SRH into disaster response programmes
Challenges and opportunities
The recent economic crisis in West Bengal, epitomized by Covid-19 and Cyclone Amphan, emphasizes the need for adequate sexual reproductive health care. FPA India Kolkata is committed to addressing this challenge through collaborative efforts.


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