“Bluestar Club 1431 in New Year’s spirit”

“Bluestar Club 1431 in New Year’s spirit”

Bluestar Club 1431 “Aha ki Anand Akashe Batase” in the spirit of film festival New Year, the festival is organized with three important periods in mind, first New Year, second Satyajit Ray and third poet Ravithakur. This open festival was held for two days at Chetla Bluestar Club premises from 4 pm to 11 pm. The festival started with singing and dancing. A total of 40 short films and documentary films were screened. This open film festival saw a good crowd of people to watch short films and documentary films. Ajay Sen Gupta, the full team of Abhagi Cinema, Kaushik Bhattacharya and Sagnik (actor) were present in this open film festival. ), Pinky Banerjee and Shampa Banerjee (actress). Satyajit Roy Sharak Sasman and certificate were handed over to all the filmmakers by the members of the club. Abir Majumdar discusses literature, film, language and Ray. Organized by Dipankar Das Gupta (Executive Editor), Deepak Halder and Soumya Kanti Biswas (Editor-in-Chief), Anta Dhar (President), Planning, Convener and Film Festival Director Abhiran Chattopadhyay (Filmmaker) in collaboration with all members of Chetla Bluestar Club. Open Film Festival Logo Film Priyanka is making. Media partners in this open film festival were Priyachitrasathi and Hello Kolkata. …This open festival should be held in the neighborhood, those who are making short films should get exposure for their work! This open film festival with this thought… maybe next year again.

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