International Literary Foundation confers prestigious Fellowship on Prof. Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh

Global literary giant International Literary Foundation (ILF) confers its prestigious Fellowship on Prof. Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh for his stellar contribution to the world of literature.

Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh is the author & editor of eleven books, some of which have been ‘Bestsellers’ in New Delhi World Book Fair, International Frankfurt Book Fair (world’s best, largest & oldest book fair) and International Kolkata Book Fair.

In recognition of his work, International Frankfurt Book Fair had conferred him ‘Certificate of Honor’ & International Kolkata Book Fair has also awarded him with Golden Trophy.

He is the recipient of many national & global awards – namely, Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award, Ukiyoto Author & Editor of the Year Award, MTC Global Golden Book Award, WCWF World’s Best Author & Editor Award.

International Literary Foundation ILF in recognition of Dr. Ghosh’s exemplary work have conferred him with its highest honorary membership grade of ‘Fellow’.

This makes him the first Fellow of ILF.

The honour was bestowed to Prof. S. Ghosh on 3rd March, 2024 by ILF Founder Chairperson Asish Basak in a glittering ceremony attended by a host of dignitaries and news-media.

Earlier, in Feb., Prof. Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh had won HELLO KOLKATA EXCELLENCE AWARD for his excellence in Aviation academics and impact on global leadership in that sector.


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