ILF Editor Grace N. SithaRaman featured in ‘HELLO KOLKATA POET’s Corner’



Grace Nivedita SithaRaman (Wunn)

Some snowfalls shower only to sing the sweet melody of losing. Melting moments were you dear, so passing away of you in peeling moments were soft as the bells around a toddlers feet. I love that imbalance rhythm, I admire the unsure footsteps, but then I also know well, the infant would surely, rather the baby should graduate to a much better and impressive jingling and this one what I listen to now with cheer shall be lost forever, committed to memory, The inner eye occasionally takes them out of the gift box of the mind to ornament such worthy penning.
My moments of losing has never been lost for I always bear in mind the bitter sweet reality of life- We meet for a REASON, a SEASON and a LIFETIME!
Oh, my dear 💕 Psalms of fading moments, as I sing to you once again I recall, with your arrival I would warn my fleeting breath to be ready to sigh in the pits of deep doldrums one day, for you had arrived for Reason which I was not aware of. Like a redeemer of saving souls you arrived as a patient listener 🐎, like a horse to a horse whisperer.
Your Adonis looks captured my heart 💕, your caring arms held me close 🌊 merging your breath into mine, kissing out the frowns to have a wave of ocean breeze calm my mind.
‌O, how I fainted, I faded, I wrapped in those healing moments , composing poems one after the other until one day, the Aurora Borealis turned night 🌃. The reason was served and in the light of the dark night with broken heart 💔 I realized, this conspiracy of love impregnated me and every time you crushed me in those Cupid gaze a poem was born for you, out of me to serve the world with an array of the most timeless poems of love ❤,

So much of passion streamlined to create 1500 poems for you, do you know I have contributed a bunch
of them in the the Museum of Broken Relationships?
The Seasons tell us Change is constant and you were the change in my life, you arrived as the perspiring summers, showering monsoon, beleaguered autumn and dreary winters, finally with every change you drifted away, still I harbour no loss but wait for yet another change, when you shall spray your love to enrich my memory.

Memories are the only thing sweet, standing one above the other to create a ladder garden of intricate feelings.
Those who are destined to be in our lives, they continue to create memories which also fall like sand through our fingers in a fist..

My moments though melting I would love to keep you in the warehouse in my mind.

You are a conglomerate. You are my sweet heart..

I could not have you in my life, I kept you in my ❤💕💖 heart..

So that I never have to lose you.

You come alive with every breath I take.
Love you…
Gracey girl
©Grace Nivedita SithaRaman (Wunn)

****Grace has been selected as Guest-Editor of “ILF Sharat Kahon” – 4th Book of INTERNATIONAL LITERARY FOUNDATION.

This book will have collections of small poems and short stories, to be curated by Asish Basak, Founder-Chairperson of ILF.


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