Parents planting trees in front of Taki Girls School

In intense heat, the shade of trees is like nectar, and the plants are the address of pure oxygen in the air pollution of the civilized civilization. Therefore, the role of trees in every aspect of life can be said to be very important. Just in this situation.

On Tuesday morning, the parents were seen planting trees in front of the Taki Girls School near Sealdah. The Taki Girls Primary School authorities also participated. To make this program successful, the head teacher of the Primary Girls School, Sunita Dasgupta, brought a group of students. The school staff along with some teachers of the school were present. Mainly under the initiative of Gautam Karmakar, Sanjit Roy, Sumit Nag, Sanjay Mondal, Subrata Dasgupta, Bapi Mondal, Gautam Chakraborty, guardians of PP section of Taki Girls Primary School, Krishnachura was conducted by other class guardians like Krishna Biswas Nirmalkanti Dasgupta. Neem trees were planted. There were several pickers on hand to increase the awareness of the environment among the students. Not only did the responsibility end by planting trees, the zealous parents also tied the fence around the saplings. On this day, during the planting of trees, the information that dengue larvae were being produced around the school came to light. It is said that the written application will be given very soon to draw the attention of the concerned departments of the Kolkata Municipality. Taki Girls Primary School Principal Sunita Dasgupta said – “We always strive to maintain a clean school throughout the year. Appreciate the parents for taking up the tree plantation program on this day”. It is known that awareness is created about the environment every day during prayer in this school. As well as the older sisters of the younger students are seen doing awareness about hand washing during tiffin time. Taki Girls Primary School in Sealdah has about 550 students. Just as creativity is emphasized in this school, various walls of the school have murals with awareness pictures. Where water wastage, clean environment, tree plantation programs are the words of various sages.

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